TRPR has arranged for all of the vendors and readers to get advertising on their website for a month to compensate for the poor turn out. Seems that the school district had changed their graduation date at the last minute due to the severe winter weather they had. So their graduation coincided with the Bazaar's weekend. A bit of a downer for patrons, but it was still a wonderful weekend.
This coming weekend I have visitors from out of town coming. A friend from Tennessee is dropping in to join us for the monthly PAN luncheon and discussion. My mother is coming up from Colorado to attend my niece's graduation from high school. So, I need to get off my duff and do some cleaning around here. Get those stacks of boxes put away, clean the bathroom and kitchen and see about doing something about the carpets.
In conjunction with the Bazaar, we did a drawing for a copy of Davol's Good Signs CD. Murf from Murphy's Magic Mess on KZUM-Lincoln gave us an autographed copy of his CD to give away. My friend Cairelle of Witchy Living in NOLA helped select the winner. I need to get off my duff and call the lucky winner so I can arrange to send her the CD.
Speaking of drawings... This past Saturday on Pagan-Musings we had MR Sellars, author of the Rowan Gant Investigations, on for the full two hours. His publicist sent me several copies of a chapter sampler from the first nine books and some other goodies. Murv sent me a message on Facebook offering to throw in some signed copies of his first three books to sweeten the pot for the drawing. Woot! We are planning on having him join us again in July after book ten comes out.
So, that pretty much gets me caught up for now. Way too much to try to do in just a few days, but I am always trying to do more than I have time for.
Until next time....
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