Greetings and happy 4th of July weekend!
Today the United States of America celebrates it's independence. This celebration of freedom and independence reminds of what it is that the United States supposedly stands for as well as what the Pagan and LBGT+ Communities have been fighting for for decades.
The good ol' U.S. of A. was founded and built upon the principles of freedom and independence. Have we ever truly upheld those principles? No. Instead we have continued to oppress others, even our own citizens. I won't go into a long drawn out discourse on the failures of the government to uphold its own constitution and laws. That is a waste of time. We all know how the government has failed us. What is more important is how we have failed ourselves.
We, as people of this planet, let alone of the United States, have failed miserably over the last almost two hundred and twenty five years. Slavery, oppression of women, hatred and fear of other countries, neglect of our children, bigotry towards difference religions and other ways of loving. The Declarationof Independence and the Consitutition and her Amendments may have been written by white, Anlgo Saxon, Prostestants, but that does not mean that we cannot take advantage of those guidelines and laws; as well as our own personal freedom of will to make this world a better place.

As I said, many in the LBGT+ community tend to lean towards Paganism in some flavor o

What does bother me, though, is that in this country we are often faced with oppression and discrimination by our supposed fellow citizens. You will find that even within the Pagan community from time to time. I have experienced personally.
WTF!? I guess no matter what the path you choose, your mind and heart can still be closed to your fellow man.
I do have a lot more to say on these topics. But tonight is not the time for me to blather on about them.
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