In this story you meet evil snakes, polar bears, and a great variety of cats and cat lovers; you get a peak into the workings of Autrailian aborigines; and a strong dose of feline heat! Hold on to your hats, boys and girls, it is going to be one wild ride!
With yet another thrilling installment in the Sazi saga, Adams and Clamp will keep you hanging onto the book with fang and claw as well as hopping into a cold shower when you put the book down. Paranormal romance is not all about sex, though. These books do have a real plot to them and I have enjoyed reading each one of them so far.
Though, I must admit that by book four the type editing is starting to lack accuracy. Perhaps the publisher should be a bit more concerned with quality of their books....
I guess I am turning parts of this blog into a collection of book reviews. So be it. I love to read and I love to talk about what I read. I hope you enjoy reading my brief little reviews of the books that I choose to talk about in here.
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